Monday, December 7, 2009

Secret project for mom's birthday

Uncountable necklace were brought out from a drawer. My mom sat on the floor and cleaned those necklace gently one by one.

"Some of them are cracked. I don't keep them well." Mom said while looking at one of her marble necklace regretfully.

It is like some guys appreciate Harley Davidson, like when my friend and cousin stare at handsome actors in Korean series, like when my dad croons a song while washing his car, and just like me when I am away from my thesis; those collected necklace are her happiness.

Mom can spend a day sitting still, cleaning her precious collection. I can see her eyes and little-smile lips when she touches her necklace.

As realizing about very little time I have, I decided to throw my hand-made Christmas and new year cards and gifts for my friends away. Then I listed what I need while picturing about something in my mind, looked in my drawer for what I already had and went to a store to get what I did not have.

Sorry that I have to say.... there's no handmade cards from me this year, guys.

These are what I need.

I wish I could be good at carpentry. But since I am not, so all I can do is just using very thick paperboards. And because I am not able to cut glass... So I use acrylic sheet instead.

Now it becomes visible...

Finally, this is what I get.... ,

a thin cubboard to hang on the wall with tiny hooks for mom to hang her necklace

Don't look too close...

Otherwise you will feel sorry for my mom for getting this thing for her birthday.

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