Friday, December 26, 2008

Hand-made crafts and a present for myself ^ ^

At the end of every years, I'll make some New Year's gifts for my friends.

Last year I made about 10 hand-made diaries and handed them out to my friends.

And this year, let's see what I made....

One of those is 25 noticed boards for my fiends, friends on the internet and my mom's subordinates.

I cut a big metal sheet into 25 small plates, made holes on them, sprayed paint and etc..

And.... well, this was what I got from making those boards.

My hand was swollen for a few days and my fingers have been being numb till now.

Another thing is 3 Christmas cards for friends who are at another side of the world.

The left was sent to the Great Britain, the middle to the USA and the right to Russia.

I know that they won't recieve them in time, maybe the cards want to travel somewhere before getting there and will be there after the New Year day.

The logo of my brand, "Khwan Khwan,"

I stamped it at the back of the cards. It should has been just only "Khwan" and the logo should has been only upper orange "Khwan," no the lower. I carved my name out of a rubber. And then I made mistake. I stamped it upside-down. :P So I stamped another above the wrong one and pretended that I meaned to create this brand.

Oops... the secret is revealed.

Anyway, finally, I got this logo and my brand became "Khwan Khwan" as it's showed.
And the last thing is 3 hand-made diaries (two for friends and another for myself).

The cover of diaries are covered by jeans cloth. The cloth was cut out from my new jeans skirt that I found later on that I baught the wrong size. It's too big for me and I can't wear it. Imagine about when I wear the skirt and it falls down just a few second after I button it.

That's why I made decision that the jeans should be something else but not the skirt.

This is the best way for the jean to be.

Inside the diaries, there's 2009's carlendar.

This one is a New Year's present for myself.

There you'll see my embroidered logo at the cover.

This diary, I made 2009's and 2010's carlendar intead of just only 2009's.
Maybe the late of the next year I may be somwhere and can hardly find stuff to make a new one.I plan to be in some place to do something for my life next year... Well, I'm not sure when, but I'm sure that it will certainly be next year.
So... this notebook is for 2 years. And I wish not to back home before the last day of the carlendar in my new diary.

Friday, December 19, 2008

If it's not easy, it's not enjoyable.

There's a sentence that I always use to courage myself when I feel tired of something

."If it's not hard, it's not enjoyable."

I want my life to be full of enjoyments.That makes me think...anything that's easily to get is not challenging and not worthy to be memorized.

So I always remind myself that..
Getting something easily is not enjoyable.
And if I want my life to be fun, colourful and worthy to remember,I must be ready to face the hardness that the world challenges me.Then I'll realize beautiful the life after the hardness is...

Well, I believe that those are my philosophy.

The truth is...

I often give up easily.
I’m easily to be tired and discouraged. And I'm ready to flyaway almost every times I feel that.

On the other hand, sometimes I’m so confident and trust myself so much that I ignore reality and people around.

Sometimes, in being disheartening,I’d see that goal is so far away.And I think, it’s hard… to get there.

But suddenly,if I change my point of view, I suddenly think that it’s quite easy.That’s not hard… not hard at all.

And while I’m writing this, I begin to realize that..The reason of being tired, discourage and giving up easily… because my thoughts and feelings are based on my unhappiness.
So the view that is looked through unhappy eyes always looks tiring and the goal is so far away…

Monday, December 8, 2008

Family trip ^ ^

My cousin and I planned a trip for our big family. It was long time that we hadn't been on trip together. Five years, I think.

This time is a good time to go on vacation together. To be sure, I checked everyone that they're free during this period.

My cousin called himself a manager. We tried to find a place that wasn't booked. Finally, he found the place where we'd go.

Well, if my cousin was a manager, what I would be?

I found myself that I was everything, did every responsibility of every positions. I'll tell you what I was on the trip. I was a secretary, welfare staff, treasurer, labor and photographer. I wonder if there anything else I could be. :P

Anyway, I don't think I'll write everything on our schedule that we did. My cousin hoped that this trip was just to make us be and travel together. But I wished more than that, I hopefully that this trip would make us to be closer.

Our stuff were ready to be moved. You can see a ton of bread there. That's for our breakfast. ;)

Yeah, we're ready to go!!!

Hahaha, a group of our big family wanted to launch their business here.

The only one rule of this trip was to not talk about Politics.
My English uncle added "S" after my "Politic" while complainning that "I can't believe that a Master degree student doesn't know how to spell Politics."

Our dinner, grilled chicken.

The family parade

This was the restuarant that we had a big dinner. The restuarant faxed me a menu and I ordered food in advance. There're 12 dishes and free rice, water and ice. So I told us that "if the food aren't enough and you're not full, you can have rice and drink water as much as you can."

The trip manager and his secretary, welfare staff, treasurer, labor and photographer.

One of our activities was playing cards.

After everyone went to bed, I stuck these papers on the windows to say thank you to them.

Our international breakfast

Miss Everything was busy with the schedule and tried to manage the budget. She tried to do the best she could, since the manager told everyone that if they wanted to compliment the trip, they could compliment him. But if there's something that they wanted to complain, told his secretary.

This was our happy-ending trip.

Special Thanks:

Aunt Tor for everything

Aum (my manager) for this great idea.

Unlce Odd for the car

Mom, Mom Toi, Nock and Yee for helping me prepare our meals

Ink (the youngest sis) for trying to help me to do anything, though I had to ask.

Aunt Tum and Uncle Ron for thier tiny gas cylinder

Ae (the giant cousin in law) for his truck for carrying stuff.

And THANK YOU everybody in my dear big family for being a part of the trip.

I love you all. :D

Saturday, December 6, 2008

I'm not a good movie critic, aren't I. :P

Last night I went to see "Twilight" with friends.

It's a movie about... well, I think it's famous enough to not say what it's about.

Someone asked me what I think about this movie...Hmmmm... Let me think.

I won't talk about directing (if I use the right word) or cutting film or something like that. I have no idea about it, so I'd better talk about something else.

I can't criticize the movie like critics from movie magazine do. I never read the book, so I can't say that it's more or less juicy than the story in the book like Harry Potter and his confusing life that I used to think about.

What I can say about it, then???

Well, I think it's not love.
I don't think that the feeling between Edward and Bella is love. Hmmm.. I don't want to insult them. There may be love, but I think there's passion more than love.

Moreover, if Bella took more time to think about immortal life, she might not want to be like that. Imagine that you'll never die... You live your life day by day, watching world and things around change and change, again and again. Well, it may be fun for awhile. But what you will live for?

Bella said that there're 3 things that she's sure about Edward. One of those was she loved Edward unconditionally.
And I think.. how much time she spent to get this idea. Only a few months, right? A few months made her thought that she loved him unconditionally.


That's a passion, I guess.

Then I think back about myself. I used to think that I loved someone unconditionally. No matter what people said or thought, even warned me. I didn't listen. Whatever he did or whoever he was, I didn't care.
I was young... so young that never stopped and took time to think about it.

Oneday, I found that... only love wasn't enough. When your love or relationship begins, of course, love is the most important thing. But after that, you may realize that being together needs something more than love only. Like.. your bf/gf's attitude about anything, their background, where they live, what they're able and unable to do. Being together needs those also.

Because even little things can cause problems, right?

Though I don't want to judge Bella, well, I judge her already. :P But I think loving someone unconditionally, without thinking about those may be passion. And that is being emotional than being rational, I guess.

Somehow Bella had her reasons to fall in love with a vampire. Imagine that I were Bella, the only one reason that would make me fall for a vampire is he's cute and sweet. :P Where else on earth that you can find a lovely and... well, handsome vampire like this??

So if I were Bella, once I know that Edward loves me, I'd jump at him and say, "I'll dedicate my blood for you." :P

Luckily, I'm not. :P

It's a romantic, fantasy and (they said) action (???) movie for teenagers. I like it. At least, it's better than the other movies on the table. Someone told me that it's a girl movie. Hahahaha... I'm a girl, dear. ;)

Friday, October 3, 2008

Mon Sang Dao

I was there for awhile..A month, I think.

It’s my field study. My lecturer said the students have to be in the field about 7 days. 7 days!?!?!? What do we get from just only seven-day period? To find what bus we can take? Or to find some new place to eat? Seven days is too short for me to gain experience. I started to find some places to go. One day I found this place and I contacted them suddenly.

You should have seen my mom’s face when she knew that I’d be in Chiang Rai for a few months. She said something like “Again? You made decision without asking for my advice again?” and “Being far from home, where you got this idea from? Who you are like?” Well, if it’s hereditary. I thought I got it from you, mom.

The place I was is called “Mon Sang Dao” means stary-sky valley. It’s an alternative school for hill tribe girls. I think I shouldn’t express my opinion about this place much. I don’t know them well enough to judge them.

I love the girls there. They’re hill tribe girls, such as Karen, Hmong, A-Kha and La-Hoo. They spoke Thai but sometimes they spoke their own languages just to tease me. They said they like my confused face. Hahaha, it must be so funny, mustn’t it.

While being at Mon Sang Dao, we lived, cook, ate, slept and did some activities together. When you’re with some people for awhile, you talk to them, know what their lives went through and be with them when they have hard time, it’s not hard to get attached, right? And it’s so easy for me to fall in love with them and that place, either.

Someone said a picture tells a thousand words. There’re some pictures that remind me of a thousand things while being there.

If you take a photo of someone when they forget thierselves, you will get this lovely smile.

On the other hand, if they know what you're doing, you will get this instead.

This little Karen girl is quite smart.

She has heavy burden on her delicate shoulder while having a great dream

that she wishes somehow she can reach.

Some girls decided to back home on weekend.

Look at their faces, you can't say that they're unhappy when they're together..

Monday, June 2, 2008

Rock and knowledge...

Today I got a forward mail from a friend.
It’s about knowledge that we thought we have.

The writer compared the knowledge with bricks.
One of knowledge is one brick.The more we know, the more we lay the bricks.
At last, we will see nothing but those bricks we’ve laid.

That reminds me something.
When I was in Karen village, there’s a camp called “Young Scientist Camp.”
They came to the village to study about community forest.

There’s a guy saw me tried to play “Te-na”

Te-na, Karen harp

He walked to me and asked to play the Te-na.
The sweet voice of each string of Te-na sound valueless when he said,
Whatever part of string you play are alike.
If you made an instrument that have X and Y axis like this.
There would be the same voice whatever part of the string you play it.
My goodness…
I think about a book I’ve read.
Here’s a story.
There’s a boy stands on a hill.
He sees some small rocks around him.
Then he starts spending his time to lay those rocks higher and higher.
After that for many years, the little boy becomes teen age.
He’s satisfied to see the rocks around him, but that isn’t high enough…
He spends more time to lay more rocks, make it higher…
Time passes by…
The young man becomes mature.
He looks at his rocks, it’s higher than him.
So he can’t see anything but those rocks he’s laid.
Then he starts to demolish them.
At last, he becomes an old man when he demolished all the rocks.
Anyway, he’s glad to see things around him that he never saw when he tried to lay those rocks.
I know I’m not a good translator. :P
But I think the world still has so many beautiful things for us to see.
They’re waiting there for us to seek.
So why cage your mind to see only those rocks? Right?

Monday, May 12, 2008

Hidden cam. :P

Today I found a lovely girl that was in the last stage of pregnancy.

We talked for awhile. Goodness, she didn't even remember who her kid's father was. What a bad girl she was!

She looked at me like she wanted me to know that she's hungry. So I found something for her to eat. After that, she excused herself to have a nap.

I followed her quitetly and took a few pictures of this bad girl.

What a sexy appearance!!!

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Hand-made card. ^ ^

Everyone knows that I love to make cards. ;)

Well, it's not for anyone. Just only for special ones.

Let's see what I could do for that one on this special occasion. ;)

First, I started from cutting thick paper into the shape that I has drafted.

Then mixed a colour that I want.

Kept painting...

These were what I got after that.

This stuff were painted and ready to be used.
Then I stuck them on the background paper and painted litlle more.

And I got this...
The right side was the front page of the card.
The left was... well, I call "the stary night."

And this was when it's finished. A card and a box... :D
I made a question mark and stuck it on the box just to try to make the one that I want to give it to wonder what inside it.

Once, I was asked why I had to do something, like a hand-made card or present by myself.
It's like they wanted to know why I didn't buy them instead of waste my time making them.
Well, I have no idea about what the reciever will do to the card or present I made. All I know is just I'm happy when I can do something for someone. :)