Thursday, September 17, 2009

Icarus - Enjoy something too much, and so you'd fall.


a young man who was prisoned with his father - Daedalus

attemted to escape from Crete island where they're exiled by King Minos.

One day, Icarus catched a seagull.

"Look at it's wings, Father.

How great it would be if we could have wings and flyaway from here,"

Icarus said to his father.

Daedalus looked at the bird and ponder.

"Catch more, Icarus. I will make wings from these feathers

and we will flyaway together,"

said Daedalus.

Then Icarus catched his father seagulls.

Daedalus made 2 pairs of wings out of wax and feathers for his son and himself.

Before they took off from the island,

Daedalus warned his son not to fly too close to the sun, nor too close to the sea.

At first, Icarus followed his father.

But then he enjoyed the sun so that he flew higher and couldn't hear his father's shout.

These wings led Icarus fly higher and higher...

The sun warmth made him forget about everything.

Before he'd realized,

he found that some feathers were off and the wax melted.

He kept flapping his wings but the feathers fell off.

And so... Icarus fell into the sea...

The sun warmth made Icarus enjoyed himself...

too excited,

too happy,

too high....

to realize that it'd harm himself.

Also this girl....

She's flying so high.

Enjoys herself with something

and forgets that if it's too much... to turn back,

too high... too close to the sun,

she'd fall down.

And it'd hurt herself somehow.

It'd be so much funny....

to fall and drown into the sea

when you even have your own wings to fly high.

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