Tuesday, September 8, 2009


I always have bad PMS monthly...

What is PMS?

Pre Marriage Syndrome

Cause --> The coming-soon wedding

Symptom --> freaked about, stressed and fear of thinking about potential loss of freedom, long-term-can't-turn-back-commitment, unforeseeable drastic changes and general fear of fat-on-the-couch misery.

And there may be some of the followed questions...
- Is the man I have chosen to live with for the rest of my life the right one?
- Will the marriage last?
- Will I have the freedom to eat a whole tub of ice cream once I'm married?
- Do I have to stay with this guy forever?
- Am I becoming my Mother?
- Etc...

Treatment --> Mostly this syndrome would happen with girls more than guys. If someone around you have this syndrome, give her food and let her talk.

If PMS = Pre Marriage Syndrome...,

that meant I would have gotten marry about 120 times till now and I must have become the best "don't-ever-get-marry" counselor if I would have had to be suffering from the symptoms.

So it's apparently not Pre Marriage Syndrome.... If every girls would have this syndrome, I wish I'd have it just only once in my life.

Pre Monday Syndrome

Cause --> Sunday morning

Symptom --> Insomnia but don't want to get up and be stick with pillow. Feel tired and depressed. Sigh every 10 minutes (more or less)

Treatment --> Take sleeping pill, go to bed and pray you'd wake up again Friday evening.

Hmmm... although when I had my job, I had to work hard. But I have never ever had this syndrome.

So it's not Pre Monday Syndrome.

Then what does my PMS stand for?

It's called Premenstrual Syndrome.

Cause -->
- You are female.
- The exact causes of PMS are not fully understood. But the most that can be described is reproductive hormones and neurotransmitters (serotonin, GABA, opioid, acetylcoline,noradrenalin and dopamine.)

Symptom --> Symptom of this syndrome can be catagorized into 5 types.

- Depressed and sense : be unreasonably tearful and hurtful, hesitate when have to make any decisions, anxious and feel blue

- Swing mood : be irritable, stressed, impulsive and blow up easily

- Flatulent : feel gassy and have bigger tummy

- Feel fatigued : have joint or muscle pain, cramp, have headache or migraine

- Be hungry more often and have diarrhea

Moreover, there may be acne, abdominal bloating, breast tenderness or swelling and... well...changes in libido.

PMS would last since about a week before period till the period is gone.

Treatment --> There's no accurate treatment of this syndrome. But there also are some ways to heal it. It's to take pills, get enough rest, drink warm water, avoid alcohol and etc...

Note for guys :

Marks "The exact causes of PMS are not fully understood."

Now you see that girls are secretive creatures.

So... there's not "no reason" when we girls get moody, guys. There always are reasons for our being depressed or anxious. The best for you is to notice when we become a "having-period" creature and be as far away as you can from us. It's the best way to remain your relationship without anyone's injuring, both your girl's and yours.

And... well....

PMS is a part of our whole live as long as we have ovarian cycle or until we would be impotent or getting old.

So... this is our request, boys...

Love me, Love my PMS, please...

Alright, back to my PMS.

As I said on the first line that I always have bad PMS. I have all above 5 symptom types alternately monthly.Sometimes I'd do things more slowly than usual or stay in bed for half day. I'd be depressed and more sense than I usually am. (That means I would ask you to let me ask for your attention more.) I'd be more quiet than usual and look like I'm unable. That's bad, huh.

Also, I'd eat more snacks and food. (Normally, I don't really like snack.) But the least I'd have is being irritable.

For this month...

PMS affects me so much, much more than ever.

How so?

I gain my weight ~4 kilos within a week!!


There's another PMS I can recognize...


Post Master's Syndrome

Whatever cause, symptoms or treatment of this syndrome are, I want to have it so badly!!

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