Sunday, October 11, 2009

Dog Island

On Saturday, after I have finished TOEFL test at my school, I did not want to head back home. It's too sunny and bright day to back and hide myself in a shell called house. I then drove straight and cross a bridge instead of turning left as I usually do to make my way get home.

A large 15-minute-away public park from my school was my destination. As being in a blouse, skirt and heels, I could not do anything much like riding bicycle or lying on a yard as I always do but only drove and took a look around the place where I never had chance to be there.

Before I could get to the park, I saw a sign which attacted my curiousness gland. Suddenly, I changed my destination and followed the sign to find out what it was.

Just follow the signs and let them lead you the way.
I was there because of the below sign only.

"Dog Care"

"What is it like?" I wondered to myself. Before I knew it and realized that it's a big place where easily for a silly person like me to get lost, I found myself was driving follow the signs. After many left and right turns and I was about to think whether the place really existed or not, I could make it there.

Dog island...

It was a stray dog shelter. Some were stray dogs originally while some..... were left by their owners since they didn't want the dogs no more.....

Why some mankinds could be cruel to their world best friends like this....

I took a look around and then I found that those dogs were caged in a large area surrounded by fences. Although there was space for them to walk and run but I was sure that none of them wanted to be there where they could not run with freedom or without someone to took care of them closely.

However, the dogs seemed to be together with peace, no fold-ear or upright-ear groups, no big-sized or tiny-sized teams, no red or yellow dogs neither.

Come take a look at them with me....


Anything I can help?

Even the dog, she smiled with teeth to every visitors without any doubt....

What about you?
Can you smile to the world as big as her?

They liked bathtub, don't they.

While the other were getting rest, someone enjoyed hurdle race.

An introvert one.

Somehow I was wrong.... since even among dogs, there were classes.

Hi and Low classes....

The first class and the second class

Oviously, the black ones were the higher class than the white ones, huh.

And....... Hooray!!
Brown type is a super VIP one!!

While the others were ignoring visitors,

this guy checked if there's anything wrong.

If you want someone to be on guard for your place, he was recommended.

Kinda................... Dalmatian???

Those feedstuff were donated.
Even there were a lot as you can see but, in fact, they exactly were not enough for the dogs.

Considering about the dog island, stray dogs and cats is always an important issue for Bangkokians (for the whole Thailand also). Every times there is Bangkok Metropolitan propretor election, this issue would be picked to be a policy which the candidates use for their campaigns.

After ones have won the election, I had thought they would do something more advance to solve this problem than trying to catch those street cats'n dogs and throw them here or to some other shelters.

However...... this is what you can see their primary problem solving.

However (again)....... I think the most important cause of pet abandonment is human.

But even though we know obviously what the main cause is, how to resolve that cause..... is the hardest thing to do.

Maybe those who call themselves "Human" have to learn to be more human-ish, huh.

On the way back, again....
I got lost... even in the park where there were only go-round ways...

The further I drove, the more I wondered.... "Where am I, huh?"

All I could do was just to follow a car in front of me
and finally, I could make my way out of there and back home before the sun set.

While driving fast back home on a main road, I thought about what I should do if there would be a stray dog run across the road and I couldn't crush down my brake in time.

Then I though of my uncle. He said once that if it would happen to him, he would crash it without any regrets!

As being stunned................. he gave me a reason...

It's because there were too many stray dogs in Thailand and what he has told me was a way to help the government solving street dog problem!!

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