Tuesday, October 20, 2009


Finally, the alley in front of my house turns to be a small canal.

It's the end of rainy season and the beginning of cold season here. The rain still pours almost everyday and it comes along with my beloved things....... storm, thunder and lightening.

When I was young, as much as I can recall, there always was flood in front of my house in rainy season. When there was heavy rain, my cousin and I would be glad since we knew that it would cause flood and flood was a reason for us not to go to school.

There were a few years that there's heavy rain and flood during November which was unusual. Being young and didn't worry about anything, when there's flood on Loi Krathong day
(for more information, follow this link. --> http://www.loikrathong.net/eng/History.html)
, in November, my cousins and I would release Krathong (a floating basket made from banana leaves containing flowers, candle and incens) in the flooded alley in front of our house instead of going to canal.

Years passed by and those kids grew up, while the others get use to the rain, thunder and storm, for some reasons, I become scared of those natural phenomenon.

"You were born in rainy season, why you're scared of rain?" I was asked.

I also was told, "You are under the sky, don't be afraid of the rain."

Instead of enjoying the rhythm of the rain as when I was young, I run away and try to be afar from it.

After the scary storm last night, I woke up and found that the alley in front of my house turns to be a small canal.

But.... well.... even though how much I didn't like the storm and even though how much I am bored with the flood since I can not to go out and get stuck in my house....

but today I have to thanks to the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration for not solve this problem around my neighborhood.


Because the flood still is the reason for me to find my advisor an excuse not to go to school.

And..... oh!!

It's one reason for me to find an excuse to move also!

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